Math and Writing Placement

Math and Writing Placement at UCC

The math and writing departments at Umpqua Community College provide accessible, affordable, high quality, learning opportunities in mathematics and writing that increase students’ options in educational and career choices. 

  • The UCC Writing department has led the state in removing developmental education classes in writing. Students may start in WR 115, with an optional co-requisite support course, or go directly into WR 121Z, with an optional co-requisite support course. The goal is to get students into the correct writing pathway, and through that pathway, as efficiently as possible.
  • Recognizing the ever-changing academic challenges for our students in Douglas County, UCC created a workgroup to identify the current challenges and to redesign our mathematics courses and pathways to meet these needs.  As with any changes, with revisions come new vocabulary and concepts, such as our implementation of corequisite courses allowing students to progress through their math pathway at a swifter rate.  Students who are still not confident in their math skills can sign up for an Umpqua Math Placement course (UMP) that will help student's brush up on skills and be prepared for their next course.

To ensure you are enrolling in the correct pathway and / or support classes, do make an appointment with your UCC advisor or utilize our self-placement tool(s).

Writing Self Placement

                WR 115 Sample Paper- Is WR 115 the right class for you?

                WR 121 Sample Paper- is WR 121 the right class for you?

Math Self-Placement