Grading System

Grades are issued at the end of each term.

Grade Description Grade Points
A Exceptional Accomplishment 4
B Superior Work 3
C Average Work 2
D Inferior Work 1
F Unsatisfactory Work 0
I Incomplete 0
IP In Progress 0
P Pass (Equivalent to C or better) 0
W Withdrawal 0
AU Audit, No Credit Awarded 0
NG Non-graded course 0
Grade Description
AU signifies student audited the course. No credit awarded.
I signifies that the instructor has granted an “incomplete” mark with arrangements made for completing the requirements.
IP signifies that the course completion is in progress and that the instructor has not submitted the grade by the deadline.
NG signifies the course or section is not graded.
P signifies a passing grade of C or better was earned. Qualifying credits count toward degrees and certificates but are not computed in the GPA.
W signifies withdrawal from a course.

GPA is computed by:

  1. multiplying the number of credit hours attempted in a course by the number of points allowed for the grade received;
  2. adding the total points for all courses;
  3. dividing this total by the number of credit hours attempted for the term.

A GPA is usually computed to two decimal places.

Transfer GPA’s are not listed on the UCC transcript, nor are they used in determining the UCC GPA.


Students who want to participate in a course, but do not want to receive credit and a grade may register for a course under an audit option beginning the first day of class with instructors approval. Charges for auditing a class are 50% of tuition and 100% of fees. These charges are not eligible for financial aid assistance. Students may register as auditors beginning the first day of class on a space-available basis with credit students receiving priority. A student wishing to change from credit to audit, or vice versa, must do so by the tenth instructional day of the term. Class audits require instructor approval.

Grade Discrepancies

Students must bring any grade discrepancy to the attention of the Director of Registration and Records/Registrar within 90 days of the grade being transcripted.


When a student has satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the assigned coursework but some essential course requirement has not been completed for reasons acceptable to the instructor, a grade of Incomplete (I) may be given and additional time granted for completion.

The Incomplete Grade Contract Form process must be requested by the student, except in emergency cases. The form is to be filled out and signed by both the student and the instructor. However, only the instructor may submit the form to the Director of Registration and Records/Registrar.

Because a substantial amount of completed coursework is required for incomplete eligibility for the student, a course repeat is not a legitimate make-up assignment and such agreement will not be accepted by the Registrar’s office.

An “I” grade must be removed by the end of the next regular term, regardless of whether or not student is enrolled. An “I” grade may be extended only under the most extenuating circumstances and then only for one additional term. An extension must be filed with the Director of Registration and Records/Registrar on a new or revised contract form prior to the original expiration date. If an “I” grade is not removed by the agreed-upon date, the “I” then becomes the letter grade designated on the contract.

Pass/Fail Option

Grading options for each course are listed in the course syllabus. Some courses are graded A-F only, some are graded Pass/Fail only, and some allow students to choose either of those two grading options. To choose a grading option, students must inform the instructor during the first two weeks of class. Courses in the student’s major should not be taken with the Pass/Fail option.

Repeating a Course

Umpqua Community College policy allows students to repeat a course to improve the grade earned.

Students’ academic records are updated when courses are repeated. In most cases, credit is awarded only once. The lower grade will be notated with an “E” (excluded) on the transcript and is not computed in the GPA, the higher grade is notated with an “I” (included) on the transcript and is computed in the GPA.

Course work taken at another school will not be considered as a repeat for the same course taken at UCC.